Eclipse 2017

On August 21st, we were in Kansas City, very near the path of totality for the Great Solar Eclipse of 2017.  When the time came near for the eclipse to really begin, we drove a short distance to “The Farm” – a property owned by some of our family – that was in the path of totality.

After an encouraging first few minutes, the cloud cover rolled in and a light rain began to fall.  I was able to get some aerial footage with the Phantom 4 Pro before things got really “socked in.”  We also got some good ground footage of Totality.  No shots of the solar disc, even though I had the filter all ready!  It was really a shock when the time for Totality drew near.  You could notice the increasing darkness from minute to minute… and then from second to second.

While I was disappointed that we didn’t get a ton of great shots that day, a few days later we were granted a “do over.”  Be sure to watch the video below all the way to the end, past the “credits,” to see what I’m talking about.

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